from the castle above Varenna
in the vale of Iserath, beyond the portal of Shimeril
in the vale of Iserath, beyond the portal of Shimeril

On an APS-C camera it's a silly thing, a slow not-quite-wide nothing, but on a full-frame SLR it's the kind of versatile lens that you could leave on the camera all the time. 20mm is very wide, although no longer ultrawide nowadays; 35mm is a kind of universal focal length, although it's a shame it isn't faster than f/4.5.
Ultra-Wide Zooms
20-35mm zooms were a late-80s, early-to-mid-1990s thing, a novelty that has since been surpassed by ever-wider designs. Until the mid 1980s the widest zooms started at 24mm or thereabouts - Nikon's top ultrawide lens in the very early 1980s was a hefty 25-50mm f/4, for example, which has a cult nowadays and is quite sought-after. The only 20mm lenses were primes, but Canon changed all that with the 20-35mm f/3.5L of the mid-80s, which was one of the earliest red-banded L lenses. When the company introduced its EOS autofocus system in 1987 they also introduced a 20-35mm f/2.8L ultrawide autofocus lens, which was followed a few years later by a consumer-orientated 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5. Sadly neither of these lenses have left much trace on the internet.
See also this post, which has shots from October 2010 and September 2009
The 20-35mm f/2.8L is nowadays an interesting alternative choice for modern full-frame digital SLR owners, although the few samples I can find - [1] [2] - suggest that it was shockingly poor in the corners, although to be fair the first example is so awful that it might be a bad sample of the lens, or a mislabeled photo. This image, shot with film, is a lot better, although with film there's no way to know how much of the edges of the image have been cropped off. A chap on also subjected it to a test with a film camera here - the results are rubbish at f/2.8, better but not brilliant stopped right down. The subsequent discussion thread is full of stereotypically awful photo snobs, all men, who are hopefully all dead by now. Here are three shots I took with a Zenitar 16mm fisheye lens on a Canon 5D, and then defished with PTLens:

The consumer-level Canon 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 had a reputation for being overpriced at the time, optically not quite as good as the Tokina 20-35mm. It never seemed to excite people. Whereas the 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 had a second wind when APS-C digital SLRs started to take off - it was the unofficial "kit lens" for the D30, D60, and 10D - the 20-35mm was born to obscurity and remained obscure. It was discontinued a few years ago.
I knew the water was safe because flowers had fallen in it
Flowers don't fall into poison
They are drawn to beauty
By the early 1990s the competition had more or less caught up with Canon, and so had the third-party manufacturers. I've written about Cosina's ultra-cheap 19-35mm before, and it was better than I expected, although physically flimsy. The company sold the design to numerous marketing firms who slapped their own names onto it, and it pops up on eBay as a Vivitar quite commonly.
Tamron sold a 20-40mm f/2.7-3.5, Tokina sold a 19-35mm which apparently wasn't the same as Cosina's 19-35mm, although it might have been, and Sigma had a 21-35mm design. Good luck finding anything about them nowadays. Pentax made a 20-40mm f/4, which could in theory be used on a Canon camera with an adapter; it would be a bit pointless on modern Pentax bodies, as it seems unlikely that whatever remains of Pentax will ever launch a 35mm-format digital SLR.

Also, it's a good example of a photo that would be ten times better if the camera was about five feet higher and fifteen feet to the left, so that the bit of wood slotted neatly in the empty space at the bottom right of the image. Shame I didn't have a little helicopter.
Still, as the 1990s wore on, the 20-35mm range fell out of use. Not wide enough. Nikon arrived quite late to the party, launching their own 20-35mm in 1993. Canon then pushed wider with a 17-35mm f/2.8, although at this point the company seemed to be emphasising a "one wider" philosophy over optical performance, and the few tests and samples I can find are unexciting. The lens coincided with the early days of the internet's digital SLR review infrastracture; it appears, for example, in the sample gallery of DPReview's review of the original Canon 1Ds. This shot, taken at f/4, isn't very impressive in the corners. Corner performance is something Canon never really got with wide angle lenses. Yes, two of the corners are usually sky, and corners are corners, tucked away in the... in the corner, because that's what they are, but, dammit. If I have a full-frame camera, which I do, I want good corner performance. It's the hallmark of a good lens. What if I do want to make big prints? Mr Do?
Incidentally I seem to have photographed the exact same traveling photo exhibition that appears in DPReview's sample shot, but several years later, whilst checking out my old Kodak DCS 460 (the Twin Towers are on the other side of the nearest board). The photos in that exhibition seem to have been shot with a Canon 16-35mm, so I was photographing photographs taken with an ultrawide lens with an ultrawide lens, swirling black hole of unreason.
EDIT: In fact, it's the Earth from the Air exhibition, which was mostly shot in the early 1990s with a Canon EOS 1n film camera - using ISO 50 film, from a moving platform - so presumably at least some of the images were shot with a 20-35mm f/2.8. Which is a spooky bit of synchronicity. The shot of Pripyat / Pripet here has the same kind of rubbish corners seen in the links above, blurry with tonnes of CA. All throughout the book there are wonderful photographs that have rubbish corners. I guess the lesson is that a wonderful photograph trumps corner quality every time, albeit that there's nothing wrong with having both. And that a helicopter is a great way to get a wonderful photograph. That and a tonne of cash.

In the world of third-party lenses, the old full-frame ultrawide zoom has died off a bit, as manufacturers concentrate on APS-C and Micro Four Thirds cameras. Back in the early 2000s Sigma sold a headline-grabbingly-wide 15-30mm, which was in part aimed at digital SLR owners, and nowadays they sell a 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6, which remains the widest full-frame autofocus zoom ever made. Tokina has a 16-28mm f/2.8 which is apparently very good, although I surmise it has sold in tiny quantities and I can't imagine the company ever replacing it.
Zeiss sells a 16-35mm f/2.8 for the Sony full-frame system, although perhaps not for much longer given that Sony's full-frame system has been a bit of a damp squib. Zeiss briefly sold a 17-35mm f/2.8 for the Contax N Digital full-frame system, which also died a death. Both lenses are or were apparently very good. I bet it riles the men of Zeiss that their wonderful lenses don't have a wider audience. They are born of hard work and great mental effort; born to die.
But to the matter at hand. There were two versions of Tokina's 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5. The original one, which is the one I'm writing about, has an orange ring around the front. That was Tokina's contemporary livery back in the days of Limp Bizkit and A Bit of Fry & Laurie. I always felt sorry for Hugh Laurie. Ignore the foppishness; he was a handsome, or at least presentable man. And he could play the piano. Women like that. But what talent did he have otherwise? Doomed eternally to play uptight straight man to the brilliantly witty Stephen Fry. Other straight men thrived; Griff Rhys Jones made a tonne of cash from his production company, Norman Pace went on to do theatre work, but what about poor old Hugh?
You know, it's not often that I think of Hale & Pace. My mind has tried to blank out that period. Gazza. Enigma, you remember, with the shak-u-hachi... and the KLF, they were wicked, State of the Art, the Amiga demo... Second Reality, that was the biggie. Red Dwarf, back when it was funny. Dr Who, when it was a sad pathetic cancelled failure. The Nine O'Clock News, when it had a CGI intro that flew into Big Ben. Damn, the 1990s. I must stop digressing from the topic.
No, hang on, it was the News at Ten that had the CGI. See. It was a bit edgier, a bit slicker, because it was on ITV. Mid-way through Aliens. Which had the swearing dubbed out.
Tokina also sold a 28-80mm f/2.8 with an orange ring, and a similar physical design, and a 24-40mm f/2.8, presumably as a professional counterpart to the 20-35mm, although they were built to the same pretty decent standard. Later in the 1990s Tokina rationalised their range and launched a MkII version of the 20-35mm, plus an f/2.8 equivalent, both of which were well-made and very grey, like battleships, or an expensive grey suit, or a finely-detailed model of an elephant.
The MkI 20-35mm has a distance scale window, which I never look at. The lens is made out of metal to a generally good standard, although it doesn't feel rock-solid, and has a bit of wobble. The front part rotates as it focuses, which is problematic if you use a polarising filter or one of those Cokin-style filter mounts. There's a simple switch to turn the autofocus off, not one of those silly clutch things.
By a twist of fate I actually ended up with two of these lenses, a Canon EOS version and a Nikon F example that was dirt cheap; the Nikon version is lighter, because it doesn't have a built-in autofocus motor, and it's slightly smaller as well:

The EOS version focuses and works properly on my 5D MkII, despite predating Canon's current range by fifteen years or more, so obviously Tokina either reverse engineered Canon's autofocus system to a higher standard than Sigma, or they coughed up for some insider info. The one exception is Live View focusing, which sometimes confirms autofocus despite being way out. I can forgive this. Live View was science fiction in the early 1990s. The Nikon version works like a charm on both my D1 and my S3 and focuses very quickly.
72mm filter thread. Internet legend has it that the MkII version is optically superior, but this may or may not be nonsense, as according to this chap the optical elements are the same. But then again perhaps the newer versions are made to a higher standard, or are on average less bashed about. I mention this because my Canon copy is noticeably fuzzier in the left side of the image than the right, presumably due to decentering, whereby one or more of the glass elements inside the lens is slightly out of alignment. Here's the full frame, 20mm, f/8, shot with a Canon 5D MkII, Canon copy at the top and Nikon copy at the bottom:

For the test I went off to romantic Bermondsey, on a typical summer's day in England. I can confirm that the linked clip is an accurate portrayal of Bermondsey. Here's the full frame, 20mm, f3.5 at the top and f/8 at the bottom:

Top-left corner, same apertures:

Still, shame about the decentering. In summary, it's awesomely sharp in the middle, and would be good stopped down to f/5.6 across the range on an APS-C camera, albeit that the range is odd (a bit like the Canon 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5 I wrote about a while back), and on a full-frame camera it's decent stopped down if you have a good copy, and roughly one-eighth the price of a 16-35mm f/2.8 or 17-35mm f/2.8. The rest is silence.