Whilst writing the previous pair of articles my mind began to wander; I
remembered a video I had seen which had been translated into the grainy, blocky
resolution of an old ZX Spectrum. I could feel my mind beginning to wander, and
so I allowed it to go off, and it brought back
Image to ZXSpec, a utility that takes pictures and videos and beats them out of recognisable
shape, viz:
Seldom have you seen such a bizarre car-crash of different things. For the
record I used Atkinson dithering with forced full brightness. The other
dithering modes are either too grainy, or not grainy enough, and any colour map
that includes both bright and dim colours tends to have ugly bright patches in
it. I surmise that if there was an open source digital SLR - or if there was a
way to hack an existing digital SLR so that it ran an open source operating
system - you could somehow port ZXSpec to it, and do this kind of thing
in-camera; over the last couple of years Olympus, in particular, have been big
on crazy art filters. It would be super if Olympus could open up their art
filter standard and let people create their own, and upload them to the camera.
Are you listening, Olympus?
Here's a short video, which was converted
And there you have it. These were of course rendered at a much higher
resolution than the real-life Spectrum could manage, and with a different aspect
ratio (the machine's sole graphics mode had a 256x192 pixel map with an 8x8
pixel colour map).